Oni Training 2023

First of all, happy new year to all who celebrate, wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. I hope the luck be with you and your family. May God of The Rabbit 🐰 (or God of The Cat 🐱 if you are in Vietnam) gives you strength to overcome all the hardships that might cross your path. Not sure how long it may last, but I will start writing journal and self reflection, from this year. Hopefully it would be a good read when I look back later.
Last Year’s Achievement
Before go to the goal for this year, I would like to mention my last year’s achievements. For some people, this is trivial, but to me, it has a special meaning. I have grown and I’m proud of it.
Break Up
At the beginning of the year, when holiday sprit is still in the air, my girlfriend broke up with me. What a great way to start a year! Lucky for me I still have some good friends during the hard times, just a few, but good friends indeed. Good friends are hard to come by, if you have any, treat them well, cherish them, invite them for a drink, buy them a gift on their birthday!
Linux and Vim
I reached out and found my people. Installed Arch
from scratch so I can safely says I use Arch btw
. Learned a lot of new programming concepts last year thanks to Linux and Open Source community. I learned the important lesson about how a tiny, simple thing can improve my life greatly. If you have not used vim
I would highly recommend learning it. It is a command line tool, it is ugly by default, but powerful.
Beauty fades, but power lasts forever - Medusa 🐍
Competitive Programming
On the 1st September 2022, I gave my first submission after a very lonnng break and restarted my competitive programming training. Later I participated in my first Leetcode contest and placed at top (didn’t expect that high of a rank 😀). That small win boosted my confidence and I eventually regain my momentum in training.
New Job
New job, new opportunity, yay 🙌. I quit my job as an engineering manager at a small company. Leave some good friends behind and start a new position as a team leader, building some useful things with my favorite language C++
. Plus, I met some nice people too. I guess I will be here for a while.
New Year’s Resolution 🎉
I will refer to the Infinity Stones 💎 as an abstraction of multiple aspects in life. Word on the street is that, to be as powerful as Thanos
, one must find himself not 1, not 2, but 6 Infinity Stones. Since I am on my quest seeking the ultimate power, this year I want to improve my:
⚡ Power Stone
Power (or strength) is one of the most primitive quality a person can have. Having abundant strength helps increase longevity and life quality. Training Taiji is a good way to address that problem. Specifically I will train:
- Core strength, hip strength, leg strength
- Stamina
- Flexibility
🐾 Space Stone
I would like to be organized, specifically:
- Maintain clean room, messy room messy mind
- Maintain minimal living style, keep no unnecessary belongings
🧠 Mind Stone
Knowledge is power, knowledge is also money. I am pretty confident with the calculation and logical thinking. But there are still some domains remain foreign to me. I would like to explore those next year:
- Train Leetcode
- Learn about the body, live longer
- Finance, tax, FIRE
- Learn how the dating game works
- Build self-confidence
💖 Soul Stone
My emotional skill deserves more work than it is receiving right now. Next year I would like to:
- Learn to put effort into everything I do
- Learn to put attention to detail
- Remember important days, birthday, memorial day, anniversary
- Express my affections in solid action. Otherwise I am no different than a stranger
✨ Reality Stone
Reality means fate in our culture. It takes great effort to go against the heaven and change my fate. One can easily know that making such changes in 1 year is difficult. So this year I will narrow down my target to:
- Learn System Design
- If at all possible, I would like to work on the game I always wanted to
- If at all possible, learn to animate 3D characters
- If at all possible, lean math, geometry, combinatorics
⏰ Time Stone
I do not have a sense of time management. This year I would like to:
- Learn to set time and scope of work to all tasks
- Get up early consistently
To Wrap This Up, This Year I Resolve To …
Year Start | Mid-Year | Year End | |
⚡ | Inconsistent cold shower, drop at 10°C. 3 minutes plank. Eat vegetable. Not yet full split, 25~30cm until ground, pretty far. | Train Taiji. Consistent 5 minutes plank. Cold shower, maintain showering until around 5°C. Eat more vegetable. Build running habit. Reduce the split gap to the ground, ideally 10~15cm. | Train more Taiji. Consistent 6 minutes plank, visible 11-shaped belly. Nimble, flexible body. Cold shower all year. Eat less sugar. Maintain running habit. Full split, 朝天登. |
🐾 | Clean room. Minimal belongings | Maintain current status | Maintain current status |
🧠 | Leetcode R1780. Know nothing about dating. | Leetcode R1900 (two pointers, mod inverse, combinatorics, segment tree, consistent 3 contest problems). Learn about technical aspect of dating. | Leetcode R2000 (KMP, advanced graph, intuitions, speed solving). Have confident in dating skill. Develop interesting personality. |
💖 | Good relationship with mom. Terrible relationship with Dung. My crush can remember my name, no more no less. | Maintain relationship with mom. Learn to send gift on special occasions. Having meaningful conversation with my crush. | Maintain relationship with mom. Keep closer look on Dung. Make more calls. Win HER heart, get in a relationship. |
✨ | Good job security. UE5 game has little meaningful progression. Started doing commission, but still no significant progress. | Maintain job security. Do creative coding once in a while. Make significant improvement on side business. | Promotion in current job. Finish first commission, even if it is free labour, no commission fee is needed. Ideally a little progress on UE5 game. |
⏰ | Inconsistent bedtime ~ . Wake up at , sometimes . | Go to bed at , ideally . Wake up at , ideally . | Go to bed at consistently. Wake up at consistently. |