Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem


Given a list of folders folder, return the folders after removing all sub-folders in those folders. You may return the answer in any order.

If a folder /a is in the folder list, then it will also be in the answer, but if a folder /a/b is in the folder list, it will not be in the answer because it is a sub-folder of /a.


Input: folder = ["/a","/a/b","/c/d","/c/d/e","/c/f"]
Output: ["/a","/c/d","/c/f"]
Explanation: Folders "/a/b" is a sub-folder of "/a" and "/c/d/e" is inside of "/c/d" in our filesystem.
Input: folder = ["/a","/a/b/c","/a/b/d"]
Output: ["/a"]
Explanation: Folders "/a/b/c" and "/a/b/d" are sub-folders of "/a" in our filesystem.
Input: folder = ["/a/b/c","/a/b/ca","/a/b/d"]
Output: ["/a/b/c","/a/b/ca","/a/b/d"]


  • 1<=folder.length<=41041 <= folder.length <= 4 * 10^4
  • 2<=folder[i].length<=1002 <= folder[i].length <= 100
  • folder[i] contains only lowercase letters and ’/’
  • folder[i] always starts with the character ’/’
  • Each folder name is unique

Submit your solution at here



The key to this problem is finding a way to efficiently checking a new folder against a list of potential parent folders. Trie is a good data structure doing that, so I will use Trie to solve this. We will be doing 2 steps:

  1. Sort the folder paths by length, since the sub-folder is always longer than its parent folders. We will not missing any sub-folder travel from folder with shorter path to longer path
  2. Travel the folder list and check the current folder a. If it doesn’t match any previous folder, it is a new folder. Insert it to the Trie b. Else, it is a sub-folder, ignore it


  • Let nn is the folder list length, mm is the average path length
  • Time complexity: O(n×m)O(n \times m), at worse we will be travel every character in every paths
  • Space complexity: O(n×m)O(n \times m), we need spaces to store the clone of the folder paths



use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Trie {
    children: HashMap<String, Trie>,
    is_leaf: bool,

impl Trie {
    pub fn insert(&mut self, value: &str) -> bool {
        if self.is_leaf {
            return false;
        if let Some((value, rest)) = value.split_once('/') {
            return self.children
        } else {
                .is_leaf = true;
            return true;

impl Solution {
    pub fn remove_subfolders(mut folder: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
        folder.sort_by(|a,b| a.len().cmp(&b.len()));
        let mut ret = Vec::new();
        let mut root = Trie::default();
        for s in folder {
            if root.insert(&s) {
        return ret;


class Trie {
    bool is_leaf;
    map<string, Trie> children;
    Trie() {
        is_leaf = false;
    bool insert(string::iterator begin, string::iterator end) {
        if(is_leaf) {
            return false;
        auto i = find(begin, end, '/');
        if(i == end) {
            children[string(begin, end)].is_leaf = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            return children[string(begin, i)].insert(i+1, end);
class Solution {
    vector<string> removeSubfolders(vector<string>& folder) {
        sort(folder.begin(), folder.end(), [](string& a, string& b) {
            return a.size() < b.size();
        vector<string> ret;
        Trie root;
        for(auto s: folder) {
            if(root.insert(s.begin(), s.end())) {
        return ret;