Stamping The Sequence


You are given two strings stampstamp and targettarget. Initially, there is a string ss of length target.lengthtarget.length with all si=?s_i = ?.

In one turn, you can place stampstamp over ss and replace every letter in the ss with the corresponding letter from stampstamp.

For example, if stamp="abc"stamp = "abc" and target="abcba"target = "abcba", then s=?????s = ????? initially. In one turn you can:

  • place stamp at index 00 of ss to obtain abc??abc??,
  • place stamp at index 11 of ss to obtain ?abc??abc?, or
  • place stamp at index 22 of ss to obtain ??abc??abc.

Note that stampstamp must be fully contained in the boundaries of ss in order to stamp (i.e., you cannot place stamp at index 33 of ss). We want to convert ss to targettarget using at most 10×target.length10 \times target.length turns.

Return an array of the index of the left-most letter being stamped at each turn. If we cannot obtain targettarget from ss within 10×target.length10 \times target.length turns, return an empty array.


Input: stamp = "abc", target = "ababc"
Output: [0,2]
Explanation: Initially s = "?????".
- Place stamp at index 0 to get "abc??".
- Place stamp at index 2 to get "ababc".
[1,0,2] would also be accepted as an answer, as well as some other answers.
Input: stamp = "abca", target = "aabcaca"
Output: [3,0,1]
Explanation: Initially s = "???????".
- Place stamp at index 3 to get "???abca".
- Place stamp at index 0 to get "abcabca".
- Place stamp at index 1 to get "aabcaca".


  • 1stamp.lengthtarget.length10001 \leq stamp.length \leq target.length \leq 1000
  • stampstamp and targettarget consist of lowercase English letters

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We use greedy approach to do the stamping. We will do it in multiple rounds.

  • At round 0, we find all “full match” candidates to stamp. It’s seems the best we can do at this point
  • At round 1, for every stamp xx we made in round 0, we go to the left and right, then greedily find the longest possible stamp right next to xx, stamp them under the stamps made in round 0
  • At round 2, for every stamp yy we made in round 1, we again go to the left and right, find the longest possible stamp to make, stamp them under the stamps made in previous rounds
  • The loop ends when we run out of moves or when we can’t find a stamp anymore
  • I can’t prove that this method will yield minimum number of steps. And it seems that indeed it doesn’t. If there is a test case where the optimal answer is exactly n×10n \times 10 this method would very likely fail. I tried and luckily it passed all the test cases


We maintain 2 queues ql, qr to keep track of which item need to check on the left and on the right. Each time we do a stamp, we put them into queue, so we can revise them in the next round. After finishing the loop. Reverse the result and we get the answer.


  • Time complexity: Running time is T((nm+1)×m)T((n-m+1) \times m) where nn is target length and mm is stamp length, in worst case where m=n÷2m = n \div 2 we will have O(n2)O(n^2)

  • Space complexity: O(n)O(n)


class Solution {
    bool canStamp(string& target, string& paper, string& stamp, int k) {
        if(k < 0) {
            return false;
        int i = 0;
        int m = stamp.size();
        bool matched = false;
        for(int i = 0;i<m;i++) {
            if(paper[i+k] != '?') {
            matched = true;
            if(target[i+k] != stamp[i]) {
                return false;
        return matched;

    void stampUnder(string& paper, string& stamp, int k) {
        //cout<<"stamp at "<<k<<" paper = "<<paper<<endl;
        int i = 0;
        int m = stamp.size();
        for(int i = 0;i<m;i++) {
            if(paper[i+k] != '?') {
            paper[i+k] = stamp[i];
    vector<int> movesToStamp(string stamp, string target) {
        int m = stamp.size();
        int n = target.size();
        int move = 0;
        int moveMax = 10*n;
        string paper(n, '?');
        vector<int> ret;
        queue<int> ql;
        queue<int> qr;
        for(int i = 0;i<=n-m;i++) {
            if(!canStamp(target, paper, stamp, i)) {
            stampUnder(paper, stamp, i);
            i += m-1;
        while(!(ql.empty() && qr.empty()) && move <= moveMax) {
            int x = ql.size();
            while(x--) {
                auto k = ql.front();
                int k0 = k - m + 1;
                for(int i = k0;i<k;i++) {
                    if(!canStamp(target, paper, stamp, i)) {
                    stampUnder(paper, stamp, i);
            x = qr.size();
            while(x--) {
                auto k = qr.front();
                int kn = min(k + m - 1, n-m);
                for(int i = kn;i>k;i--) {
                    if(!canStamp(target, paper, stamp, i)) {
                    stampUnder(paper, stamp, i);
        if(move > moveMax) {
        } else {
            for(auto c: paper) {
                if(c == '?') {
        reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end());
        return ret;
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