Ten days of statistics (3) - Probability

An experiment is any procedure that can be infinitely repeated and has a limitted set of possible outcomes (sample space). We define an event to be a set of outcomes we interested in. The probability of an event is:
From here we will consider 2 events and , in a sample space
Let denotes the probability of event occurs, denotes the probability of event not occurs.
A compound event is an event where either or occurs.
and is mutually exclusive events if they have no events in common. Formally
An event is said to be exhaustive when it equals to . and is collectively exhaustive when their union covers the sample space. Formally and
If the outcome of event has no impact on event , they are considered to be independent. When and are independent,
Conditional probability
This is defined as the probability of an event occurring, assuming that one or more other events have already occurred. Let denotes the probability of given occurred. If events and are independent. It’s obvious that
If events and are not independent, then we must consider the probability that both events occur.
Bayes’ theorem
Bayes’ theorem is stated mathematically as the following equation
Which also equals to
Proof can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem
Next lesson: Combinatorics